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Mercy Seed Outreach (MSO) was founded in 2014 by Fanwi Seraphine Kakwi as a Divine assignment for the downtrodden and underprivileged in the heart of our communities and to bring them hope through the gospel of Christ. 


Seraphine's passion for her work to change the lives of the underprivileged was motivated by the surrounding circumstances of her community where people lived in poverty and had no choice but to comply with traffickers in a bid to better their living conditions.


Growing up in a trafficking prone community with very distant social services, almost every family gave at least 1 or 2 of their children to families and strangers in the cities with the hope they'd live better lives and financially help their families back home. Most children taken to the cities forfeit their education and freedom; thus, end up as domestic servants, cleaners, street hawkers, and work in grinding mills. Some women resort to the commercial sex trade for survival; while others live with their keepers, having children with different men. Many come back home, critically ill, dying of sicknesses they can't treat. This trend has become an acceptable way of life for our rural communities where children continue to be manipulated and/or coerced into the cities. While studying in the city, Seraphine saw how in-trafficked persons lived which is where her mission to educate them on the issues of trafficking and modern day slavery was born. She also saw a need to extend the love of Christ to them with compassion and mercy by giving them life-changing opportunities. Hence, Mercy Seed Outreach was created to reverse the pangs of trafficking and modern day slavery and to give children in trafficking-prone communities an opportunity to lead lives worthy of human dignity.

We believe in the DREAMS of in-trafficked persons,
together with them, we can re-define their lives, and WALK them to achieve their BIG DREAMS.

Our Mission

Mercy Seed Outreach's mission is to contribute to end human trafficking and modern day slavery in the heart of our communities, extend the love of Christ and bring help and support to the downtrodden, exploited and violated.

Our Mission

We Need Your Support Today!

Our Vision

A world where justice and compassion rules every heart and everyone in our most vulnerable communities is spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically free.

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